Tips for Organizing Your Email Inbox

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Tips for Organizing Your Email Inbox

A disorganized, overflowing email inbox can be a daunting obstacle to overcome. Spam and junk email quickly adds up, and this clutter can make you less productive. Not only that – important messages can get lost among all of the others. Here are a few suggestions for clearing out your inbox and for keeping all of your important email organized:

Unsubscribe from junk mail – It’s much easier to delete a junk message in your inbox than it is to unsubscribe from recurring correspondence. But does this save you time in the long run? When you remove yourself from mailing lists that send unwanted messages, junk messages should stop showing up in your inbox.

Use folders and categories – By sorting messages into different groups or categories, you can easily find the messages you need when you need them. Don’t be afraid of making too many folders. Several folders based on subject will be more helpful than a single folder. Some mail services can automatically sort messages into different folders based on things like who the messages are from.

Use tags and labels – While folders are an effective tool for keeping your incoming messages organized, they are less helpful in the case of messages that fit into several categories. By applying tags to messages, you can mark them so that they can be sorted later. Multiple tags can be applied to a single message, which allows them to be sorted differently depending on the situation.

Set up filters – Setting up filters will tell your mail service to treat certain messages a certain way. For example, if a particularly difficult junk mailer won’t remove you from their mailing list, you can set up a filter that automatically removes all mail from that sender to the trash. Filters are also useful for keeping your folders organized, by automatically sending messages containing certain words or phrases to a specific folder.

Search your email – Your email’s search tool allows you to easily find emails from a specific person or company, messages sent to a specific email address, or emails containing certain words. This is especially useful if you need to reference an old email that’s been lost in your inbox.

Keep things maintained – No matter how you clean up your inbox, it’s important to keep things organized to avoid another mess from forming. Make sure to update your filing system as needed and apply new filters to messages that show up in your inbox. Try to deal with incoming mail as soon as you receive it, rather than waiting for it to build up.

Cleaning your inbox will save you time because many of these tools do much of the work for you. Setting up these tools may take some time, but the time and effort saved with an organized inbox will be worth it.

A disorganized email inbox can be a daunting obstacle to overcome. Here are a few suggestions for clearing out your inbox and keeping everything organized.

Do you use other tools to organize your email inbox? Share them with me!

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