Infoproduct Publishing Beyond eBooks

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Infoproduct Publishing Beyond eBooks

You already know that creating and selling your own information products online is a great business model. But did you know that there is a large extension of products you can create that goes beyond the traditional eBook? Here are a few other products that can make a difference to your business:

eCourses – eCourses are eBooks with an added “oomph.” A full course usually consists of a main guide or tutorial as well as other materials, including audios, videos, study sheets, tips sheets, and more. There is no one-size-fits-all structure to creating an eCourse, but a good rule of thumb is to include additional materials found outside of an eBook.

Online seminars – You may choose to structure your eCourse as a series of online seminars. Participants can meet once a week or more often for an online class. These classes can be interactive through a web conference room or a simple seminar style phone-in-audio class where participants listen to the speaker on the telephone and then ask questions during the Q&A.

Online members area – Create an online members area that meets the needs of your business and your customers. Online members areas can be a great interactive way to sell information to your customers. Because there is so much going on behind the scenes, these products tend to have a higher perceived value.

Print products – Although a lot of online information products are digital, you also can create high-end print products. This can be an addition to your lower-end information products or as your main business. Print information products often hold higher value.

Selling information online is a very profitable business. The great part is that you don’t have to choose just one solution. There are a number of ways you can package and sell quality information.

Did you know that you can create and sell more than the traditional eBook? Here are a few other products that can make a difference to your business.

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